The Family Center April Events...

The Family Center April Events:

Grab and Go Meal Sites updated 4/6/2021:

Upcoming programming brought to you by the Family Center.

Upcoming programming brought to you by the Family Center.

Please see the COVID-19 Detailed Data as of April 1, 2021.

This is a reminder to our PreK families that due to teacher professional development, there will be no PreK (a.m., p.m., or full-day) on April 7th, May 5th, and June 2nd. Feel free to reach out to your child's PreK teacher with any questions. Thank you.

Trust the facts. Get the vax. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGVlhxk00Fg

North Adams Public Schools Grab and Go Menus for April 2021:

North Adams Public Schools Food Services Menus for April 2021:

Trust the facts. Get the vax.

Please click here to view Food Pantry and Meal Sites for Berkshire County as of March 29, 2021: https://5il.co/r0in

Pandemic EBT benefits will continue through the end of the school year. For information and additional resources please visit https://www.map-ebt.org/faqs.

Friday, April 2nd, North Adams Mobile Food Bank: Available to all!

Please see the COVID-19 detailed data report as of March 25, 2021.

Trust the facts. Get the vax.

An exciting announcement…
The Mahoney Family Event Fund hosts Kids Count in Our Community: the Pandemic Hits Home, April 7, 2021, 5:30-7pm EST.
This free webinar aims to mitigate the traumatic impact of the pandemic on kids and families by offering paths to insight and immediate tools and resources. Expert panelists will address the ongoing stressors that kids and parents are experiencing during the Covid 19 pandemic. Each will offer resources and answers to pressing questions about preventing difficult events at home. Parents, families, caregivers, educators and community are invited to attend to find support and reassurance.
Too many people are feeling continuous levels of toxic stress that are damaging to well-being and complicating daily life. Too many families are overwhelmed, under-equipped and unraveling. The panel below is guided by two concerns: How can we reduce stress for parents and caregivers? How can we reduce stress for our children?
Dr. Nancy Rappaport, Child/Adolescent Psychiatrist, Harvard Medical School, speaking on pandemic stress and nurturing the family;
District Attorney Marian Ryan, Middlesex County, reporting on the effects of the pandemic from her justice enforcement perspective and providing support resources;
Koa Goode, LSW Supervisor, Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, addressing effective tools for parenting during stressful times;
Tammy Bernardi, Prevention Specialist, Children’s Trust, Boston, talking on child safety and abuse prevention;
Fiona Jensen, Executive Director of Calmer Choice, providing easy meditation tools to promote well-being.
The Mahoney Family Events Fund raises both awareness and money for frontline organizations dealing with youth in crisis, trauma and violence. Past recipients include: United Teen Equality Center; Alternative House; Center for Hope and Healing; the Michael B. Christensen Center; Strongwater Farm; Tewksbury Police Department Domestic Violence Unit and Notre Dame Academy.
The Mahoney Family Event Fund is a fiscally sponsored partnership with the Greater Lowell Community Foundation (GLCF). Please consider your most generous support of this event by going to the GLCF website at https://glcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?funit_id=1410
Lowell Telecommunications Corporation is our technical partner for this event. Register on their website homepage or at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dCLWDaA_SQOvojpVC6qnIg
For information please go to our webpage at www.mahoneyfamilyfund.com or contact Event Fund founder Maureen Mahoney at mahoney.maureen@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Dr.HughRuthandJohnMahoney for weekly updates.
Wishing you and yours good health and safety during these challenging days.
Thank you from the Mahoney Family Event Fund Committee: Maureen Mahoney, Peg Shanahan, Maura Sullivan Norton, Judy Lalime, and Barbara Dunsford.

Upcoming Webinar...Kids Count in Our Community: The Pandemic Hits Home

COVID-19 Housing Resources:

Assistance with Utilities: