On Thursday, June 3rd, at the Drury High School Commencement exercises, the North Adams Public Schools honored Drury High School special education teacher, varsity softball coach, and North Adams Teachers Association co-president, Ms. Michelle Darling, with the annual Marion B. Kelley Teacher of the Year Award. Ms. Darling exemplifies teacher leadership, and her advocacy for her students and her education peers demonstrates her commitment to equity. It is an honor for the district to thank Ms. Darling and show her our appreciation by presenting her this year’s award.
This award, named in honor of the late Marion B. Kelley, a former North Adams teacher and principal, is presented to teachers in recognition of their dedicated, skillful teaching, understanding of children, and exemplification of the “ideal” teacher. Mrs. Kelley taught in the North Adams school system from 1929 until 1936 when she married and had to leave the school system because state law prohibited married women from teaching. She rejoined the school system as a teacher in 1945 and retired in 1978 as principal of Haskins and Johnson schools.
Annually, a teacher is nominated for this award by fellow North Adams Public Schools’ employees and selected by the District Administration. As the recipient of the award, Ms. Darling will receive a $100.00 gift certificate that she may use for supplies in the classroom.
Congratulations Ms.Darling!

MCLA to host COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Church Street Center
NORTH ADAMS, MASS.—MCLA, in partnership with Curative Medical Associates. will host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at its Church Street Center, located at 375 Church Street in North Adams, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. The site will offer a first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which has been approved for emergency use in those ages 12 and older. For a minor to be vaccinated, a guardian must either be present at the clinic or complete an electronic consent form.
“I’m so pleased we are to be able to collaborate with Curative to offer this opportunity to our campus community as well as our local community,” said Gina Puc, MCLA’s vice president of strategic initiatives.
The vaccination clinic is free of charge and open to the public. Register for a vaccine appointment online at http://cur.tv/mcla or by calling 888-702-9042. Second-dose appointments will be scheduled at the June 8 clinic.

Keeping Kids Safe Online:

Final page of Berkshire County Food Pantries and Meal Sites:

Berkshire County Food Pantries and Meal Sites (additional listings):

Berkshire County Food Pantries and Meal Sites as of June 2021 (first 4 pages from master list):

Please visit the North Adams Mobile Food Bank on June 4th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.

This is a reminder to our PreK families that due to scheduled teacher professional development, there will be no PreK (a.m., p.m., or full-day) on Wednesday, June 2nd. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.

This is a reminder to our PreK families that due to a scheduled teacher professional development day, there will be no PreK (a.m., p.m., or full-day) on June 2nd.
Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.

North Adams Public Schools, June 2021,Curbside Grab and Go Menus:

North Adams Public Schools Menus for June 2021:

Trust the facts. Get the vax.

MA 4-H Career Exploration Series, June 2, 2021:

Trust the facts. Get the vax.

Read the full letter on our district website here

Today, Governor Baker announced changes to the face mask mandate. These changes are due to the widespread increase of individuals who are fully vaccinated or have received at least one dose of the two shot Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. In addition the number of positive cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19 infections with complications has decreased substantially. In line with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance, the Administration will rescind the current face covering order and issue a new order effective May 29, 2021.

Sage Street Mill: Sumer Wellness Camp for kids (ages 7-12)

Trust the facts. Get the vax.

Fair Housing Training, open to the public! Wednesday, May 12th at 6:00pm. Come learn about your fair housing rights!
This training will cover renters' and buyers' fair housing rights under federal and Massachusetts law. We'll include information on reasonable accommodations, assistance animals, rights for survivors of domestic violence, discrimination against families due to lead paint, and LGBT rights. Email smaki@massfairhousing.org if you have any questions.
Register on Zoom: tinyurl.com/FairHousing512
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/310672983889928

Drury Greenhouse Program Spring Opening 2021: No appointments are necessary, however social distancing protocols are in place allowing for a maximum of 10 customers at a time and masks are required. Please stop by!