PreK Application and Screening

North Adams Public Schools to Host In-Person PreK Application and Screenings for School Year 2022-2023

North Adams Public Schools will host in-person PreK application and screenings in preparation for the 2022-2023 school year.  PreK children must be 3 or 4 years of age by August 31, 2022. Parents/guardians must make an appointment for each application/screening: no walk-ins will be accommodated.  

To schedule an appointment, please call Carrie Silva at the North Adams Public Schools Central Office at (413)776-1673. 

PreK Application & Screening Dates:
Brayton Elementary School: May 23rd and 24th
Colegrove Park Elementary School: June 6th and 7th
Greylock Elementary School: June 13th and 14th

Additional Information:

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only 1 parent/guardian will be allowed per child per appointment. Please do not bring additional children to the appointment if possible.

Parents/guardians should be prepared to bring all of the following to their appointment:

  • Your child

  • Child's birth certificate

  • Child's current physical exam/immunization record, signed by their doctor (must be from within the last 12 months)

  • Any additional medical records you think we may need (ie. asthma, food allergies)

  • Proof of residency (must have all of these 3 items)

    • 1. Valid driver's license or photo ID (passports are also acceptable)

    • 2. Copy of utility bill (electric, heat, cable, water, etc.) dated within the last 60 days

    • 3. One of the following: Recent mortgage statement, copy of lease/rental agreement, or letter from housing office

 For any other questions or concerns, please contact Carrie Silva at 413-776-1673 or email at