Dear Brayton Elementary Families,
This is a reminder that we will be offering building tours on Wednesday, August 28th from 2:30–6:30 PM as part of our Ice Cream Social event. Ice cream will be available in the cafeteria for students, where you will be able to say hello to your teachers and friends. Teachers will formally address and meet with families at our Open House, which will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd from 5:30–7 PM.
The first day of school for students in grades K-2 is Thursday, August 29th and is a half-day. Friday, August 30th is also a half-day for students. We dismiss at 11:30 on half-days. There is no school on Monday, September 1st in observance of Labor Day. Pre-K begins on September 5th.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon. In the meantime, if you have questions about the year ahead, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions listed below or contact us directly.
Thank you!
Brayton Elementary School: Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school hours?
The school day at Brayton Elementary operates from 8:25 AM to 2:50 PM.
How do I find my child’s bus information?
Bus routes have been posted on the North Adams Public Schools website. Bus transportation provided by North Adams Public Schools is between school and home. Alternative locations for childcare needs may be approved by the district on an individual basis by contacting
Students may not ride buses they are not assigned to, for any reason, such as going to a friend's house. Bus transportation is not available for School Choice students. If you have a question about bus transportation, please call the school or email
What is the procedure for student arrival if being dropped off by car?
Students can be dropped off at the cafeteria door. The ideal drop-off time window is between 8:15–8:20 AM. There will be an arrival monitor at school starting at 8:05 AM, which is the earliest drop-off time. Adults should park and walk their student(s) to the steps where they will be greeted by a staff member.
What entrances are used for student arrival?
Students arriving on the bus will use the main door of the building while students dropped off by families will use the cafeteria door.
What if a student is late to school?
Students who arrive at school after 8:40 AM will be marked as tardy and must be signed in at the Main Office by a family member before reporting to class.
How does dismissal work?
Dismissal is at 2:55 PM. Students taking the bus will board the buses at the front of the building. Students being picked up by an adult will be picked up at the cafeteria door. Adults need to park and walk over to the steps where their students will be dismissed to them by a Brayton staff member. A dismissal monitor will be on duty from 2:55–3:15 PM.
What is the policy for dismissing/signing students out early?
If you need to dismiss your child from school early, please call the school before 9:00 AM or fill out the Attendance Reporting Form found on our website and linked here. Alternatively, you can visit the Main Office to inform the school in person. Students will only be dismissed to the adults indicated on the student’s PowerSchool contact record. You will need to provide a valid ID upon arrival and sign your child out. To minimize disruption, we encourage you to notify the Main Office in advance by calling 4130-662-3260 or sending in a note.
What if I need to change the way my child is getting home?
Changes to dismissal plans must be made before 2:30 PM. If you need to change the way your child is getting home from school, please fill out the Attendance Reporting Form found on our website and linked here, call the Main Office to inform staff, or send a note with your child with the information regarding the change and the name of the person picking up the student. Be sure the individual picking your child up has proof of ID with them.
What if my child is absent?
If a student is going to be absent, parent(s)/guardian(s) should call the school before 9:00 AM or fill out the Attendance Reporting Form found on our website and linked here. This procedure ensures the safety of our students. If a parent or guardian does not call to notify the school of the student’s absence, the school will contact them at home or at work, and/or email and text an attendance message.
ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO ATTEND SCHOOL EVERY DAY THAT SCHOOL IS IN SESSION. North Adams Public Schools encourages consistent school attendance, as it is only through regular attendance that a student can take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered. The school district does, however, recognize that occasional absence from school is unavoidable and legitimate.
Can my child take medication at school?
There must be a doctor’s order from your student’s medical provider on file with the school for a child to take any medication during school hours. All medication (even over-the-counter medicines) must be dropped off to the school nurse by an adult. For more information about this policy, visit the district website and associated links at:
How can parents communicate with teachers?
Parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers via email or through the school's communication platform, Remind. You may also call the Main Office and leave a message requesting the teacher call home, as we do not connect calls during the school day in an effort to minimize disruptions to teaching and learning.
How do breakfast and lunch work at school?
Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) is provided to all students free of charge and served 8:25–8:40 AM. Classroom instruction begins at 8:45 AM. Student lunches are 25 minutes long and served in the cafeteria free of charge. Meals beyond what is specified above can be provided for an additional cost. Students are also welcome to bring lunch from home, if desired.
Can I send in baked goods, food items and/or candy for holidays or birthdays?
The district’s wellness policy strictly prohibits the distribution of treats/foods during the school day. For medical reasons (allergies, diabetics, food restrictions, etc.) students are advised to keep their special treats at home to be enjoyed. Please do not send in any candy, food items, or treats to share with classmates. These items cannot be distributed at school and will be sent home with the student at the end of the day. Once a month, the cafeteria serves celebratory birthday cake at lunch to celebrate student birthdays.
Do students have recess?
Yes. Each recess is 20 minutes long. Every effort is made to go outside for recess, unless weather conditions are not safe. Students should wear/bring appropriate recess gear such as sneakers, layers of clothing and boots, hats, gloves/mittens, jackets, etc., in the winter.
Do we need to purchase a back-to-school supply list?
No. Brayton Elementary School provides supplies for students. Students may bring their own personal supplies if they chose, such as colored pencils, pens, or markers, but this is not required.
What should my child bring to school?
Students should bring a healthy snack, a water bottle, backpack, comfortable shoes for recess and weather-appropriate clothing for outside recess. It is recommended that students leave a spare set of sneakers/clothing in student lockers for outdoor recess and spills that sometimes occur during breakfast and lunch.
What are the safety protocols in place?
The safety of our students is our top priority. We conduct regular drills throughout the school year and have protocols in place for emergencies. Please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date in case we need to reach you or an emergency contact.
How can I get involved in the school community?
We welcome family involvement! You can join the Parent-Teacher Organization, volunteer for school events, or simply attend school functions. Your participation makes a difference! If you are interested in our PTO, please email
Who do I contact for additional questions?
For any further questions or concerns, please contact the school office at 413-662-3260 and we will direct you to the appropriate faculty/administrator.