Good Afternoon Brayton Families!  

We are all very excited that Field Day 2024 will soon be here!  Here are some things you need to know for the big day:

  • Field Day will be held on Tuesday, June 4.

  • Rain date will be Wednesday, June 5.

  • We strongly encourage sunscreen and bug spray, but please be aware that by law, staff is not allowed to apply either of those products.  We therefore ask that you apply them at home prior to sending students to school.

  • Please, please, please!  Be sure to pack a change of clothing and a towel for your child/children.  There will be multiple water activities, including the famous Brayton Slip & Slide!

  • We respectfully request that students wear one piece bathing suits or shorts and t-shirts for the water activities.  

  • Water shoes or sneakers are required.  Crocs are fine, as long as the backs are flipped up.  Please do not send students in sandals.  We will have several activities that require running, and sandals will pose a safety hazard.

  • The Brayton Cafeteria will provide lunch and a healthy snack for all students.  They will also be providing an ice cream treat or dairy free alternative in the afternoon.

  • Brayton PTG has graciously helped us to provide Brayton Bear Tshirts for ALL Brayton students!!  We will be sending those home within the next few days!  Let’s all show our Brayton Pride on Field Day by wearing our Brayton shirts!

Our faculty and staff would like to thank the Brayton PTG for their continued support of this annual event!